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Storage Water Heaters vs. Instant Water Heaters


There is an ongoing tussle between storage water heaters and instant water heaters. The debate takes an ugly turn when there is a dearth of information regarding the appropriate selection of the water heater. While the basic functioning remains the same, several factors influence a buyer's decision, such as efficiency, costs, purpose, and so on. To identify the perfect appliance for you, we have outlined a detailed comparison between storage water heaters and instant water heaters.



Storage Water Heaters

A storage water heater is a water heating appliance that is integrated with a storage tank to store hot water. The heating element heats up the water and stores it in the tank for future or instantaneous use. For extensive usage of hot water, storage heaters are recommended.



  • Low purchasing cost; storage tank heaters are one of the cheapest ones
  • Provides sufficient amount of hot water; if you are taking a bath, you don’t need to wait for hot water
  • Less maintenance and repair; storage water heaters require minimal maintenance and hence, can last for longer period without incurring hefty expenditure


  • Excessive consumption of electricity; heats water up to a preset temperature and if the temperature falls below a threshold level, it automatically reheats water to maintain the preset temperature
  • Requires sufficient space for installation; the storage tank demands appropriate space
  • Cannot provide continuous supply of hot water; after exhausting hot water supply, you need to wait again before the next water heating round completes


Must Read: Best Water Heaters in India


Instant Water Heaters

Instant water heaters, also known as instantaneous, inline, or on-demand water heaters; works without the need of a storage tank. The water enters the heating unit where the heating element heats the water and ensures a continuous water supply without any delay.



  • Saves money; for a continuous supply of hot water, you just need to switch on the heater when necessary, thereby, restricting unnecessary usage
  • Saves time; get instant supply of hot water as the water is subjected to heating during transit via instant water heater
  • Longer shelf life; are not exposed to wear and tear easily, unless there is hard water supply


  • Purchasing costs are much higher as compared to other geysers
  • Limited quantity of hot water supply, hence, not suitable for bathing or washing clothes


Comparison Chart



Instant Water Heater

Storage Water Heater

Acquired Space

Requires small wall-mounting space

Requires large wall-mounting space

Purchasing Cost

For 3-6 liters capacity, it costs Rs 3000 – Rs 6000

For 10-25 liters capacity, it costs Rs 4000 – Rs 10000

Waiting Time

No need to wait

Wait for at least 5 minutes to get the supply of hot water

Electricity Consumption

Consumes less energy as it requires electric supply when in usage

Consumes more energy as it heats large quantity of water at once


Ideal for use in kitchen

Ideal for use in bathrooms and laundry


Purchasing a suitable water heating appliance is prominently dependent on factors like your budget, purpose, and available space. Emphasize these three parameters, and analyze other aspects, before affirming your purchase of a water heater.